
Simple adaptive filter

Reply-sensitive questionnaire: Random jumping/branching, conditions based on previous answers (Example: Have you ever been to our website? – If yes, answer questions about site assessment).

Filter based on master data management

(Age, gender, etc.) when accessing registered participants.

Randomisation of (a sequence of) questions

A random arrangement of questions is determined for a particular sequence of questions; a prior filter should be enabled even for these questions or, if necessary, a dynamic filter within these randomised questions.

Basic plausibility checks

E.g. was an entry made? Was a text or a number entered? Does the number entered lie in the defined interval?

Optional mandatory fields

The respondent can skip the question or, optionally, be forced to answer; function can be set optionally for each question separately.

Optional editable error messages

For incorrect entries (possibly with definition of various error types).

Complex jump commands

i.e. the definition of more than two strings, later referring back to individual answers, loop commands with loop variables.

Elaborate filter control

Display of questions/items according to e.g. time of the survey, test group, meta-data, ...

Optional password protection

Upon request, the questionnaire can be protected from access by non-authorised users with a login.

Resumption Function

It is possible to interrupt the interview and continue at the breaking point after calling it up again.

Elaborate plausibility checks:

Consistency checks/answer exclusions: a click on certain response alternative in multiple answers excludes contradictory response alternatives (already clicked options are deactivated).

Combined plausibility checks

Throughout several questions/questionnaire.

Randomisation of question blocks

Questionnaire chapters can be randomly assigned to respondents.

Import of external parameters

It is possible to pass external data to the questionnaire and include it in the survey e.g. using parameters in the URL (e.g. IDs for different respondent groups or different testing conditions).

Adoption of selected alternatives in follow-up questions

Example: "Which of the following offers on our website do you use": then an enquiry of an evaluation (e.g. school grades) in a matrix question only for the selected offers.

Optional "Back" button

Upon request, a "Back" button can be inserted into the questionnaire (if methodologically useful) to be able to browse back independently of the browser back button, e.g. to make corrections.

Suppression of going back in the questionnaire

The possibility that individual respondents jump back in the questionnaire so as to e.g. avoid filters can be prevented in the questionnaire.

Automatic guidance through the questionnaire

i.e. for single selections and analogue questions a click will automatically lead you to the next question, without using the "Next" button).

Optional "Reset" button

Using the "Reset" button, the current questionnaire page can be reduced to its original state (i.e. no selection activated).